zing zang ziggity
I live on the 19th floor of a cemented, yellow tower.
Sane and normal, I am not.
Weird and crazy, I am.


Tag and I'll reply via your website.

Change Friday, March 19 16:15
Okay turns out, I really am done with blogger despite me saying that I will navigate between the two. HAHA

So yeah right now, all you gotta do is relink me or visit my tumblr -click!
and Don't. Look. Back. (unless you still want to of course :D)

Yet another Thursday, January 21 08:51
Hello. It's me again. Haha i know right this dude is so annoying get out of Amni's blog. I'm sorry but the fact of the matter is that Amni seldom gets on this thing, and she begs me to like type for her cuz im the only creative genius that she knows. Anyways, shall i describe to you the chaos that is Amni's desktop? A bagazallionites of ico

And that's all from the annoying man named Austen who thinks he can be me when really, he can't.

So, hello there! I'm back!
Well, sort of.
Cos the internet at home is still screwed.
Anyway, in case you're wondering, I am very well alive. And feeling fine too!
(just telling cos you might really be concerned about my well-being. :P)
Okay, not really.
I'm actually quite stressed with school andkoreanstuff -but, of course. HEHE
Plus, I've forgotten the interesting happenings in my life during the past few days (weeks?) so.. There's just nothing much to blog and say, really. HAHA

I shall be back tomorrow though.
And hopefully with a new blogskin cos the current one is getting to dark and dull for me.
Don't you think so too?

Short Girls
By: Bich Minh Nguyen

It's a short post today.
If you're expecting more.. I am sorry.
Apparently, those creative juices in my brain are running dry.

Best Post Ever Tuesday, January 19 11:53
Hello. This is not Amni. If you have come to this blog in hopes of reading yet another post by Amni, I'm sorry, but this post is gunna be way more epicer. Cuz uhh everything by me is genius. Haha it's true i have an ever inflating ego. Anyways, Amni is beside me right now pretending to take part in a group discussion. I mean, she could totally get an award (think Oscars idk) for like her acting but come on she's not fooling me. Oh and by the way Amni takes up like half of the class's internet speed (if that is how it works, ya know sharing and stuff) cuz she has like 600 tabs open about 2pm and 2am and you know the rest of the groups with the most creative names. Haha ok no offence though cuz i know that 2pm fans are waaay obsessed and im totally gunna get soaked in period blood or something. Kay im hungry bye.

Saturday, January 9 15:47

Am badly addicted to this song. HAHA
And can you believe that I've only just realized that I'll be 18 this year?
NOOO.. Nooo.. nooo..

Monday, January 4 15:28
It's the New Year now.
And I feel like giving up blogging.
Okay maybe not.
I just feel like giving up blogging now cos the only place I can blog at currently is school.
Yes, my little nibblets (->random).
The internet at home is still un-availabo (unavailable).

I cannot believe this.
There are a bunch of fanboys -4 to be exact- sitting behind me!
(am in school's newly opened hilltop library, btw)
You read that right.
There are 4 F. A. N. B. O. Y. S behind me.
Their ringtones are that of GD's Heartbreaker (uhuh) and SHINee's Ring Ding Dong (double uhuh).
I just.. Am unsure on how to react except for alot of HAHAHAHAs. HAHA

Okay, anyway whatever.
Let's talk about my not-so-amazing first day of school.
Why so?
Truthfully, I thought the day would be superb cos I woke up doublywubly early and had at least 15 minutes to spare before I had to leave the house.
Ahem, this is something that does not happen often and I am not proud of it. At all.
Plus it was raining the night before and the leftover drizzles gave this cooling, exhilarating vibe for the start of day.
But, of course.
I just had to get caught in one of the ez-link tapping machine doors and miss the train by a millisecond (was 1m away from the train doors when it started closing on me).
I keep getting gas and bubbling in my tummy the whole freaking time.
Thus giving me this continuous and annoying farting sensation.
Unfortunately.. this gassy feel has yet to subside even though school ended almost 4 hours ago so, yes.
I am a body of gas while in the library. :P HAHA

The Eye of The Leopard
By: Henning Mankell
(Finally! A book! HAHA. Borrowed it from school, btw. :D)

TA! Everyone and have a Happy, Merry, Amazing (whatever you name it, say it) 2010!
No New Year Resolutions for me cos they just.. Don't work. HAHA